Strategies for Maintaining Long-Term Sobriety

long term sobriety and aftercare program

Your recovery from addiction is a long game. Addiction can be treated but isn’t cured. You have to keep working at it to avoid its damaging influence. Fortunately, some resources can help with that. Serenity Treatment Center of Louisiana, for example, has an aftercare program dedicated to helping people who finished treatment continue to work […]

When to Get Help to Recover From Addiction?

when to get help for addiction

Addiction is something that a lot of people live with for a long time before seeking treatment. Many people struggle with addiction until their lives spiral out of control. Don’t let this be you. Seek treatment for a better chance at life. These are the times when you know that you need to seek help […]

Beyond Detox: The Next Steps for Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation

drug and alcohol treatment

When you are ready to change your life for the better by giving up substance abuse, finding a treatment program is the right way to go. How you start treatment, though, is determined by your medical condition. If you take heavy substances like meth or heroin, you will likely start with a detox program. After […]

About Graduate Rebecca (Video)

Rebecca Story of Recovery

Rebecca, a graduate of the Serenity Treatment Center of Louisiana shares her story and her recovery journey to sobriety. She discusses how she came to get involved and made choices about using heroin. The escalation to hard drug use and what led to coming to Serenity Treatment Center. She describes that because of the education […]

Recommending Treatment Center for Substance Abuse Disorders

group therapy - recommended treatment for substance abuse disorders

You’ve reached a place where many people find themselves on the road to recovery. You know you need help, your friends and family are behind you the whole way, and you just need to know what to do next. A substance abuse treatment program is the next step, and choosing the right one is an […]

When Drug Treatment is a Part of Penalty for Drug Possession

lady taking pills - Drug Treatment is a Part of Penalty for Drug Possession

Rock bottom looks different for everyone. For some, it’s a thing that they did that makes them so ashamed that a life change is necessary. For others, it’s a charge of drug possession. Standing before a judge and having your future decided for you is a very powerful moment that helps people see the situation […]

A DUI Can Lead to Recovery

lawyer talking with plaintiff about dui charges - dui can lead to a recovery plan

Does this sound familiar: You went to a party, started drinking, and don’t remember leaving. On the way home, though, you’re pulled over by the police and get arrested. Now, you’re standing before a judge getting convicted of a DUI, and the judge orders you to seek substance abuse treatment. This is the case for […]

Recovery from the Storm of Substance Abuse 

recovery from substance abuse

Your life is changed forever once you fall into substance abuse. The impact that addiction has on your life, as well as the struggle to break free of it, will change you. By the time most people understand that they have a serious addiction, they have hit rock bottom. Substance abuse has already changed you […]

Why Alcohol is So Addictive

Alcohol addiction is one of the most common addictions to have and can affect anyone at any time. With so many things that can cause addiction, why is alcohol so prevalent? There are several reasons why alcohol is so addictive and causes more problems than many other addictions. If you or someone you know is […]

The No-Excuse Treatment Designed for Everyone (video)

Dionese Gerbrecht, administrator of the Serenity Treatment Center of Louisiana, shares her insight in this brief video of what makes the Center so special. As in many cases, it is the people who make a difference and fulfill the goal of the Serenity Treatment Center of Louisiana to provide outstanding addiction treatment designed for everyone. […]