We don’t just talk about what we offer at The Serenity Treatment Center, but rather we walk the talk from start to finish. By helping countless clients work through the pain and the consequences associated with addiction, we consistently demonstrate success.
Our primary objective is to use the experience of learning to live an addiction-free, happy life. To that end, we have developed an addiction recovery program using a system we call “Recovery Dynamics,” which is unparalleled. Our staff interacts with each client both on a professional and personal level, making The Serenity Treatment Center an exceptional place for treatment. Based on our experience, addiction can be managed through spiritual solutions, cognitive restructuring, and education.
Yes, addiction can be a progressive disease, one that is largely misunderstood; however, we strive towards providing our clients with the opportunity to restore and rehabilitate their lives. We believe that if a person is serious about starting fresh, they have already taken the most important step towards recovery.
In support of our clients, our staff includes a medical doctor, a prescribing psychologist, certified substance abuse counselors, family counselors and a comprehensive nursing staff. Our multi-faceted team meets regularly with each client to review their progress, making sure the approach and treatment chosen are working effectively.
Clinical Director
PhD Medical Psychologist
Assistant Clinical Director/Family Therapist
Inpatient Counselor
IOP Counselor
Start your road to healing. Call us at (225) 361-0899 or contact us online