Extraordinary Treatment Results – Serenity Treatment Center of Louisiana

The Serenity Treatment Center of Louisiana’s Clinical Director of their Weymouth Drive location, Cherie Guidry discusses extraordinary treatment results of the Serenity Treatment Center in this brief video. Like many of the staff at the Center, she shares a passion for her job. The caring, compassion, and expertise that is brought to their clients is […]

What if I Relapse After Treatment?

It can be difficult to talk about relapsing after completing a treatment program, but it is important to remember that relapse does not define you or your recovery journey. With the right support system in place, it is possible to pick yourself up and keep going despite any setbacks or disappointments. Here are some tips […]

Can My Faith Help in Rehab?

As you face the challenge of addiction, it can be difficult to know where to turn for help. Many people find solace and strength in their religion or spiritual beliefs, and there is evidence that your faith can indeed be a vital part of successful rehab. By understanding how your faith can aid you in […]

How Good Friends Support Your Recovery

Having good friends can be an invaluable asset when it comes to recovering from substance abuse including alcoholism. Good friends support your recovery in many ways. From providing moral support and understanding to helping you stay on track with your treatment, such friendships are a part of the recovery process that can provide that extra […]

The Evolution of the 12-Step Program

The 12-step program is one of the most popular choices for treatment for substance abuse disorders and alcoholism. It has been around for nearly 100 years and is synonymous with the recovery process. Often, treatment centers simply refer to the program as the 12 steps. However, the 12-step program has really evolved over the years […]

TV Shows About the Opioid Problem

The opioid problem in the United States and many places around the world is still ongoing, but many of the details about how it started have come to light. With the revelations that the Sackler family is largely responsible for the widespread production and use of opioids despite the risks, TV, and film studios are […]

Nutrition Therapy Helps Addiction Recovery

Addiction recovery is a difficult process that aims to reshape the mind and the body to resist substances. Nutrition therapy helps as part of any addiction recovery plan. When you are focused only on the mental aspect of recovery rather than the physical after detox is finished, you miss an important part of what is […]

Why Family Therapy Leads to Successful Recovery

In substance abuse treatment, there is a chance that you will participate in family therapy. This type of therapy leads to successful recovery in many of the patients helped at the Serenity Treatment Center of Louisiana. Family therapy is a common mode of treatment that can help people maintain their recovery over the long term. […]

Can You Be Addicted to Prescription Drugs?

Being addicted to prescription drugs is not a unique problem. Prescription drug addiction is a serious issue that affects millions of people worldwide every year. According to the National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics, as many as 19.4% of Americans reported misusing legally prescribed drugs or consuming illicit prescription drugs in 2020. Many of these […]

Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction can have severe impacts on your life. If you have concerns about your drinking, it’s important to be aware of the common symptoms of alcohol addiction. Recognizing the signs of alcohol user disorder can help you get the help and support you need to make positive changes in your life. Learn the most […]