Chet L’s Story (video)

Chet L’s Story (video)

Serenity Treatment Center Review

Chet L’s Serenity Treatment Center review is a testament to the transformative power of recovery. His journey reminds us that no matter how far someone may have fallen, there is always hope and a way back to a fulfilling and sober life. For 18 months, Chet has been in recovery, defying the odds and proving that change is possible.

See this Louisiana rehab client story for yourself:


Chet L Full Testimonial Serenity Treatment Center of Louisia

” My name is Chet Levine. I’m an alcoholic, and I have been in recovery for almost 18 months. I always thought that I would end up doing long sentences in jail or end up dying. I never ever dreamed that a sober life was ever possible for me. I started drinking and using drugs at a young age. Just always wanted to be doing things that I wanted to do. I didn’t want to be responsible or anything like that. I was just wanting to pretty much get high and have fun. That eventually led me to other harder drugs. I started to use cocaine and I was also taking prescription medication. It took control of my body, my mind, and my spirit. It’s been hard drugs for the past 15 years, especially opiates, pain pills, and heroin.

I’ve been in and out of jail my entire young adult life. All of these things I feel like were, because of my drug addiction. I was homeless at one point. No matter how bad my life was, every day my goal was to just get high. It caused me to lose relationships, lose jobs, going to prison. Even that couldn’t stop me from doing drugs because I was still using drugs when I was locked up. I overdosed six times. Three of those times were three days in a row. I didn’t care about my life or anyone else’s. Nothing was going to stop me. I went to jail one last time and when I got out, I called my mom and she said, well, the best thing you can do is go knock on the door and I ask them if you can come back in because that’s the best place for you. Hearing that from my mother, it just made me realize the route that I’ve taken in life is only going to lead to that or death. My mom told me that the only way she would come get me is if I went to treatment. I said, you know what? I think it’s time to give treatment a shot.

When I first came to Serenity, I weighed 145 pounds. It completely changed me in every way. It helped me understand why I am an alcoholic. It helped me understand the solution. Emotionally, it’s helped me tremendously because before, I’ve always had problems with anger and depression. It’s given me the tools that I needed to recover from that state of mind. It’s taught me love and tolerance. It’s taught me patience. It’s taught me kindness. One of the best things that I can say that I’ve gotten from recovery is just the peace; the peace of not having to struggle to look for your next meal, to wonder where you’re going to sleep at night, to wonder if you’re going to go to jail at any minute for any number of things that you’ve done, just absolute peace and ease.

Whenever I graduated Serenity, I gave Sober Living a shot. It’s a program for drug addicts or alcoholics, and it offers you housing under the condition that you remain sober, go to meetings, work with your sponsor. At the same time, it’s taught me responsibilities and things that I never knew in life; how to pay rent on time, how to pay bills, just normal living things that people do every day that I had never learned. It also gives me a chance to work with a lot of other guys in recovery. I love the fellowship and I love working with other alcoholics. I have a lot of friends, real friends that are sober and are in the program. I’m self-employed now. I’m trying to start my own business, so I’m really excited about that. I’m getting all the things that I wanted out of life, but never knew how to get. I couldn’t get it because I had something blocking me off from my higher power, and that was addiction.

For anyone who struggles with finding your own conception of God, I feel like that was something that was difficult for me. I had a lot of resentments towards God in the beginning. Losing my father, my grandfather, my grandmother, all three unexpected in a close period of time. I had turned my back on God. This program really brought me back to seeking God every day. If anyone out there feels the same way, God’s always there. If you’re willing and you seek him, great things can happen. “

Contact the Serenity Treatment Center of Lousiana

Chet’s experience at Serenity was life-changing. The program not only helped him understand his addiction but also provided him with the tools to address the underlying issues contributing to it. He explains, “It helped me understand why I’m an alcoholic. It helped me understand the solution emotionally. It’s helped me tremendously because before, I’ve always had problems with anger and depression. It’s given me the tools that I needed to recover from that state of mind.”

Recovery is not only about overcoming addiction but also about discovering oneself, finding peace, and building a future filled with possibilities. Serenity Treatment Center of Louisiana played a significant role in Chet’s transformation, guiding him toward a life of sobriety, responsibility, and fulfillment. Contact the Serenity Treatment Center of Louisiana by calling us at (225) 361-0899 or filling out our online form to start your recovery journey.

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The Serenity Treatment Center

2325 Weymouth Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70809

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216 South Foster Drive, Mid-City Baton Rouge, LA 70806


Mon-Fri: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm